Sunday, March 29, 2009

Weekly Geeks 2009-12

To be honest, I'm not sure I qualify as a Weekly Geek. I pick and choose which of the challenges I want to do, and sometimes I bend them a bit to fit Alpha Heroes' niche. This is one of those weeks.

At some point last year, I noticed that Jackie was including a list of links to other reviews on some of her posts. I thought that was a really good idea. I followed her links, found other blogs, enjoyed multiple points of view on the same book. When I'm doing a single-title review, and when I remember, I do a blog-google on the title I'm reviewing and post links to reviews that I think are relevant. I've found some good blogs this way, and I think it adds value for my readers.

It turns out that the bright idea came from a 2008 Weekly Geek challenge, and it's been brought back for this week. WGs are challenged to sift through each others' blogs, looking for reviews that we have in common, and adding cross-links.

Which is a pretty good idea, in theory. But there are a lot of Weekly Geeks and not that many of them are romance-oriented. So what I've done is to check my last couple of reviews and update them with links found via google (see Lady Anne, Dogs and Goddesses, and White Witch, Black Curse), and also add a note to my sidebar inviting fellow-bloggers to leave their links. I've done this in specific posts but I haven't gotten much in the way of results so far. I'll work on checking out the WG archives.


Joanna Chambers said...

You are a good blogger. You shame me.

Nicola O. said...

Then my work here is done.

Jackie M (Literary Escapism) said...

You've done a challenge/theme therefore you are a Weekly Geeker. There are a ton of bloggers who pick and chose. You're not the ony one.

Besides, we've reviewed many of the same books, so there IS someone out there that may have something you've read.

I know what you mean though. I think I found one person last year who had read something I had. The paranormal crowd really hasn't broken into the Weekly Geeks yet. :) Not strongly at least.

Marg said...

Nicola, I always pick and choose which Weekly Geeks I do. Some weeks it is because I am not interested, other weeks it is because I am too disorganised or lazy!

I'll be checking through archivers over the next couple of days to see if we share any!

Marg said...

Okay, so here are some of my links:


Further Observations of Lady Whistledown

There might be more but those were the ones that I saw when I had a quick look through.


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